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3rd call (2nd phase) - Online Monitoring Platform (WP4)
- New tender call was published due to unsuccessful 1st phase
- Date issued: 23 March 2018
- Tender closes: 12 April 2018
- No. of tenders received:
- Winner:
Questions |
Answers |
Whom to contact with technical questions? | Julia Backhaus (Maastricht University) |
Whom to contact with administrative questions? | Kristóf Vadoivcs (GreenDependent) |
How many participants have received the invitation to submit an application? | 5 companies that were interested in the first round of this call in 5 different countries. |
What is the budget for this? | Maximum 25,000 EUR (excluding storage space) |
3rd call - Online Monitoring Platform (WP4)
- Tender call text
- Annex 2 in Word format
- Date issued: 19 February 2018
- Tender closes: 15 March 2018
- No. of tenders received: 1
- Winner: no winner was announced due to high price - new tender call was published for 5 companies that were interested in the first round of call in 5 different countries. See more details above.
Questions |
Answers |
Whom to contact with technical questions? | Julia Backhaus (Maastricht University) |
Whom to contact with administrative questions? | Kristóf Vadoivcs (GreenDependent) |
How many participants have received the invitation to submit an application? | We are still in the process of sending out invitations. Based on previous experiences, we have decided to reach out to more than 10 companies. |
What is the budget for this? | Unfortunately, for the time being, we cannot disclose this information. |
Is the stated deadline "beta version of the online monitoring platform needs to be ready by 15 May 2018" correct? | Yes, this is correct. We realize that this timeframe poses a challenge. The database itself as well as the form feature to collect survey questionnaire-based replies needs to be finalized, including a training for ENERGISE partners, before summer (June). There is a little more time to develop the calculation feature for graphic feedback to households (July). Our plan is to sign a contract with the winning applicant by the end of March. |
We believe it would be difficult to prepare beta version in one month, we will need some time to prepare specification/frames etc before the coding process itself starts. Maybe this term refers to wireframes with clickable options, but not the final front-end. | We recognize that timing is tight and will base our selection of the winning applicant, amongst other, on plausible scheduling plans. Ideally, a contract with the winning applicant can be signed in the last week of March or the first week of April, allowing for 1,5 months (until 15 May) to develop the beta version. We would like the beta version to include the database and a preliminary version of the form-creating tool that allows feeding data into the database. The front-end as well as the testing and refinement of the form-feature can be done in the month to come (by 15 June). The integrations and built-in calculation need to be done by 31 July. |
Can a company submit a tender even if it did not submit a letter of intent by 28 February? | Naturally, any comany can submit a tender, as the 28 February internal deadline was for the organizers only to know how many companies intend to submit a tender. |
Is there a need for the successful bidder to belong to an EU members government purchasing framework (such as GCloud)? | If the company is registered in the EU it is eligible to submit a tender, we don’t need these government registrations, the only written statement the company has to submit as Annex is detailed in the call. |
The main challenge I see for this stage of the Energise programme is that manual form filling is reliant on the 300 consumers monitoring and reporting their heating and power habits on a regular basis. The take up of smart meters and how consumers use the in-house displays has so far not reflected the projections of reduced consumption in the home. Based on this low return from smart meters it is the less engaged consumer that will deliver the mass change needed to significantly reduce consumption and increase sustainability. | Due to the falling short of technical solutions in delivering on energy saving promises, the ENERGISE project focuses on changing people's everyday routines (practices) without 'smart' or 'high-tech' support, i.e. without real-time feedback on energy use. Our main focus is stimulating a qualitative shift in energy use that has quantitative implications. |
We'd like to investigate a more technologically advanced automated approach, using inline power monitors and thermometers to prepopulate data. This would leave your researchers able to send relevant queries and suggestions around power use and not have to worry about chasing the raw data. Additionally, it will build a much more accurate picture of power use through the week and be a consistent stream of data with less likelihood of consumers dropping out. | The idea is excellent in principal. However, we would like households to engage with the raw data - and more specifically, with room temperature and number of wash cycles. Although we will draw conclusion on energy base based on these data, energy use per se is relevant yet of secondary concern for us. Regarding the technical solutions mentioned, the consortium agreed that not all households may have a suitable internet connection and that there could be security issues in WLAN-solutions. Remotely readable meters also tend to be more expensive. Therefore, after careful discussion, we have decided not to utilize remote meters in this project. |
A colleague has been doing something similar in his own property for some time, with very little downtime and instant sharing of data to a host system. We would replicate, harden and scale this using low-cost sensors to create a more elegant solution, but the budget would be higher than a pure form collection system. | We are, of course, greatly interested collecting the data best possible way. If there is a system with easily mountable low-cost sensors, capable of sending data without dependence on households' wlan (e.g. over GSM data network) and solid integration to OMT, the solution sounds quite interesting. We are welcome to suggestions but the main focus is still observing the (qualitative) change in habits and routines, not merely the saved kilowatt-hours. |
Is this something you would consider, or is the format already decided? | We have not yet acquired the meters so from that perspective we are still flexible. However, we have discussed remote reading and came to the conclusion that it is not in line with our time and monetary budget. So, it's decided unless we face an un-ignorable offer. So far, our planning is based on plug-in electricity meters for people's washing machine, logging thermometers and, indeed, self-reported readings of energy meters. |
We would like to receive an example Excel sheet file for the expected reports. Could it be possible? | So far, the reports were based on the timing of tasks and details provided by the tendering company. The report format will be part of the contract. |
We are not sure what you mean by “Co-developing the design“. We believe it means that we prepare the design and then you will confirm it. Can you explain in more details how do you understand this term? We would like to receive more details of how to prepare them. From our experience preparing those will last for one month and with your assistance only. Perhaps you have some additional descriptions or examples and you can send these. | The ENERGISE project already has a project identity, including logo and colours. We would like to ensure that the project identity is preserved at the front-end and we would like to have a say in the design/look/arrangement of the end-user interface. |
How many different datasets will be imported/exported and how about units conversion? |
All datasets (= 8x 10 surveys; 2 longer ones and 8 very short ones with max. 320 respondents) will be exported for analysis. Imported will be: Units will not need to be converted. |
Which web browsers and in which versions do we need support? |
For ENERGISE project partners, implementing partners and admins: For households: For mobiles: |
What's the resolution restriction? Is min 320px ok? | Yes. |
Are we aware of budget or try to make extended system support all possibilities - e.g. do we need prepare pdf documentation or life guided tours. To what extent should we be focused on the budget restrictions or to what extent should we provide the best solution possible, not minding the budget? |
These seem to be two different questions. Regarding budget: Please bear in mind that there is a maximum budget. You are welcome to give price indications for best solutions and alternative solutions for some cost items. Regarding user manuals and life-guided tours: We would appreciate one user manual for the ENERGISE consortium that provides explanations of features for all user levels. In addition, one on-line training for ENERGISE partners will be needed to explain the main features ENERGISE partners will need to use. We (ENERGISE partners) will provide hands-on training to households (user level 4). |
Who is responsible for hardware? Which party will provide server environment for the project during its preparation phase? | Ideally, the applicant arranges the server environment and the tender specifies budget needed for this service. |
FURTHER TECHNICAL QUESTIONS | Please see answers here |
2nd call - Online Database Development (WP2)
- Tender call text
- Date issued: 10 July 2017
- Tender closes: 20 August 2017
- No. of tenders received: 3
- Winner: Sp. z o.o (address: Kościuzski 82, 50-441, Wrocław, Poland)
Questions |
Answers |
Who shall I ask technical and design questions from? | Charlotte Jensen (Aalborg University) |
Who shall I ask administrative questions from? | Kristóf Vadoivcs (GreenDependent) |
How much money is available for the tasks in this tender? | Unfortunately, this information cannot be disclosed, the ENERGISE consortium is looking forward to receive tenders fulfilling all the technical requirements detailed in the call and here in the FAQ session. Price is an influencing but not exclusive factor in deciding upon the winner. |
How should the layout look like? | As also indicated in the Tender Call, we are looking to have a database developed, that can visually showcase the many initiatives we have identified. We would like them to be visualized geographically. The scale of the ENERGISE map will cover Europe. We are also keen to be able to show certain aspects of the initiatives on the map. In other words, people should be able to zoom in and out on the map; to see the wider geographical distribution (zoomed out) but also to see each initiative individually (zoomed in). When zoomed in, people should be able to click on each initiative to read more about the initiative. For most of the initiatives (aprox 900 initiatives), this will just be a short summary, supplemented with a few categories and tags. For some initiatives, more information will be available (aprox 100 initiatives). Ideally, (when zoomed in) all initiatives should be visually distinguishable, related to a typology we develop. As an example, some initiatives may be pink, others may be blue, others may be yellow, others may be green, depending on the type of initiative. |
1st call - Basic Design and Project Website Development (WP7)
- Tender call text
- Date issued: 1 December 2016
- Tender closed: 19 December 2016
- No. of tenders received: 3 (1 from Austria, 2 from Hungary)
- Winner: FARM Studio Kft (Hungary)