Wir fühlen uns geehrt, folgende Personen als Mitglieder des ENERGISE-Expertengremiums aus ganz Europa zu haben:
- Loriane ALTWEGG - Fédération Romande des Consommateurs, Switzerland
- Emma BRIDGE - Community Energy England
- Janis BRIZGA - Green Liberty Latvia
- Stéphane DUPAS - Energy Cities, France
- Sylvie DOUZO - EDF France
- Djoera EERLAND - Enpuls B.V., the Netherlands
- Jacques KIMMAN - Zuyd University & the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), the Netherlands
- Zsuzsanna KOTSCHY-KORPÁS - EON Hungary
- Sylvia LOREK - SERI (Sustainable Europe Research Institute), Germany
- Irén MÁRTA - Business Council for Sustaibable Development in Hungary
- Veera MUSTONEN - Forum Virium, Finland
- Minna NÄSMAN - Helen, Finland
- Kees VRINGER - PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the Netherlands